Sunday, August 3, 2008

UFOs #11 and # 12

Finally, after a couple of years of the pieces in my stash and months of waiting to actually be quilted, I have finished the second quilt for one of my Dad's friend's daughters. I must say that it looks great even though the quilting was the thing of nightmares. I used a large meandering pattern to quilt it and bound the edges with left over striped material. The binding was a small challenge as well as I had to piece together a lot of little bits to finish up the fourth edge. The whole thing is about sixty-four inches on each side. One more UFO bites the dust - YAHOO! Now into the washer and dryer then off to the post office. Bye, Bye, nightmare!
BTW - the original quilt was taught by Charlotte Angotti in one of her 'let me surprise you' classes at the Houston International Quilt Festival. I made the original quilt for my mother and my father now uses it on his bed at the nursing home. I bought an additional kit from a friend and combined it with my leftover bits and some yardage to create two quilts and two pillows for the daughters of my father's friend.
UFO #11 was a scissors sheath and fob that came in a kit I purchased a long time ago. It took a few hours to get the beading done on the edges and I added a lot of Fray Check to make sure that the edges didn't fall apart. I wonder where and when I actually picked up this kit?
Two more down... many more UFO's to come. Wish me luck!

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