Chronicle Books had a friends and family sale last week and I couldn't resist ordering a couple of things I am always thinking I need but never buying. With 30% off it was finally my chance to get 'The Complete Wosre-Case Scenario Handbook' . It is 500 plus pages of advice on how to survive many extreme situations. Like, the pilot is dead, or you are locked in a walk-in freezer, or your child won't eat their vegetables, or you meet a mountain lion in the woods - this book has hundreds of solutions to these and other scenarios. Most of the advice seems very practical for the layman and gives you the confidence to actually survive a bad situation. The book also includes a DVD of all the worse case scenarios from the eleven books in the series. I have not looked at the DVD because the book is so engrossing.
For your bathroom library or reference shelf, this book would be a wonderul addition.
Now if I could just remember the advice about meeting a mountain lion or landing a plane without carrying the book with me all the time!
LOL that your child not eating veggies is in the same category as a plane without a pilot! And, by the way, can you share the advice for getting said child to eat veggies ?!