Friday, March 7, 2008

One Last Gasp

Previously (here and here) I wrote about the New Years Eve Mystery Quilt project. I totally messed up the cutting and construction although the fabric was lovely. My younger brother said he wanted it and I was grateful that someone thought it was worthy of ownership.....especially when that someone leads a very pared down sort of life and lives in a tiny space. I finally gave it to him a few days ago but it had undergone a weird transformation. The quilt itself is too small for sleeping under so I went to my stash of books and found one on using origami folds to make purses. Here is the result:
A botched quilt folded into a household file. Its a good size for newpapers or large sketches. I used stash buttons that were lying around waiting to be machine sewn onto something. The functional button holes were a good chance to play with the button hole feature on my sewing machine. I hope my brother enjoys it or at least gives it away to a good home.
Have a great weekend!

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