Friday, March 7, 2008

Stinky Alex

Alex has his intestinal track all bunged up. He almost refused food this morning and nothing has come out since yesterday morning. I took him to the vet and they took x-rays . He has a lot of stuff from one end to the other but, fortunately, none of it looked like it was a blockage. They gave him a shot to move things along and I need to watch him to see if anything comes out in either direction. If things start moving normally, no problem except damage to the oriental rugs. If things start moving abnormally, then I need to get him back to the vet or the emergency vet ASAP. Until something happens the air around is certifiably toxic and, even though its in the 40's, I have a window cracked open to offset the smell.

Right now he's sleeping the sleep of the dead and dropping little smell bombs with incredible regularity. I hope that medicine works soon or at least before my sense of smell is permenantly ruined.

Wish us luck!

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