Friday, October 26, 2007

Fall Swap

I completed a swap I am involved with today and I think it turned out well. It is in the mail but I am not sure if it made it in time for tonight's mail. Here is a photo of the goodies I sent out (a Little bright - sorry!):
I started with making a brown fabric box with copper ribbon trim. Inside the box I added a yard of hand dyed fabric from Just Imagination, a soy tart that smells of pumpkin pie, an orange and brown Craft Leftovers kit for a cocheted dish cloth, 10 yards of various fall type trims, an assortment of copper/brown beads, sequins and adornments, a covered note book, a brown beaded pen and a small watercolor kit. It seemed like every thing I included in this package came from a separte city that I have visited. Not exactly true but there are things from Barcelona, New York City, Washington DC, Washington state, Dallas and Houston. The parameters of this swap were pretty wide open.... essentially to put together a package with Fall as the theme. My partner is a skilled purse maker and said that she loves fabric and trms. I hope she likes this package!
I have another swap that's due out by November 8th that's organized by the Free Paople Clothing blog. The theme they are looking at is 'Dark Fairy' that is based on their recent catalog. I'm not completely sure what I will include in that package but I think I will start with a sewn box as well and go from there. My partner in that swap likes nature related things and I am wondering if the ideas percolating in my skull will come to fruition... only time will tell.
The International Quilt Festival is in Houston next week and I will be there most days I am looking forward to seeing friends I only see at the festival and, of course, all the beautiful quilts. I think I will be taking a lot of pictures and I will post them when I can.
Have a good weekend and keep those cards, letters and comments coming!

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