Anyone want a free ticket to Stitch Austin on November 10th? Leave a comment and, if I get more than one, I'll randomly give it to someone in a drawing. If only one person comments, then its yours. Comment (by November 2nd) letting me know if you are listening.
Why am I giving away my ticket after waiting almost a whole year for this event? Well....
I just found out today that my Gall Bladder needs to come out... actually I've known this for many years but have just put up with the pain and nausea. My last attack was about a month ago and it really spoiled an otherwise perfect day with the dogs and my son as it lasted almost 20 hours. A couple of weeks ago I had an Ultrasound and it showed quite a few stones. Today I saw the surgeon and she agreed that it needed to come out, preferably as an elective surgery, rather than having it done during an attack. Since I have to go clean out my Dad's Florida apartment in early December, sooner, rather than later, is the mantra today.
The surgery is scheduled for Monday, November 5th and Paul has been volunteered to stay with me the first day or so to make sure everything goes well. I may be in great shape by Saturday the 10th but I just can't ask him to dog sit (again) during the busiest time of year for caterers. He works for the premiere caterer in Houston and is currently working seven days a week and some days are very, very long .. not a good situation for Alex who is very needy for human companionship. My Mom guilt over both Paul and Alex has come to the forefront, again, so my ticket is available if you want it.
Don't know what Stitch Austin is... here is the link to their blog -
Let me know if you would like my ticket and keep those cards, letters and comments coming.
Good luck with the surgery! Where in Florida are you going to be?