Sunday, October 28, 2007

Beautiful Sunday

What a gorgeous day it is in Houston today. When I woke up it was around 50 degrees, now it is about 75 , the sky is clear and the wind is light. A beautiful day all around.

Today I took Alex and the girls to a fund raiser for Dachshund Rescue of Houston. The theme was The Wizard of Oz and many of the dogs and humans came dressed for the theme. The girls and Alex went with fabric ruffs. Kelis's lasted about 10 minutes, Kemora's about an hour while Alex's lasted until we made it back to the car. Paul and his girlfriend came as well and the dogs were ecstatic to have them there. When he's around I might as well not exist! There were about 50 dogs there that ran the gamut of sizes from a sweet seven pounder to a hefty 25 pounds. Two actually got adopted at the party and everyone had a good time playing with the dogs.

It was fun to watch other owners with their dogs. A few would not let them on the ground to play with the other dogs. Where they afraid they would get dirty? The other extreme was Alex and I ... I let him off his leash most of the time and he just loved finding dropped food, chasing a green tennis ball, sniffing rear ends and generally making himself a bit of a pest. Fortunately everyone was very tolerant of his antics. All three crashed in the car, barely moving until we got to within a couple of miles from home.

And before you ask... I FORGOT MY CAMERA... I do not have one picture of all this playfulness. I hope all the other photographers will be posting their photos on the web site so you can see some of the wonderful puppies that were there (Alex and the girls included!).

I hope you had a pleasant weekend. Now I need to get myself in gear to get ready for company during the Quilt Festival. I think it would be nice if my company had a bed to sleep in and a clean bathroom to use. On the other hand, with all the shopping and quilt viewing that we will be doing, beds and bathrooms seem irrelevant. Have a good week!

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