Sunday, April 24, 2011

One and Done

When I tried to knit socks for the first time I only made one of a pair because it was so misshapen.  I ended up making it into an eye glass case.  It worked out so successfully that I have done something similar for another friend when she also ended up with a first sock without a mate.

Since then all my socks have mates and I am proud of that achievement.

Then came along the December installment of the Twisted Yarns Twisted Toes Sock Club.  This was the final installment of the 2010 club and the pattern was a gorgeous pair of holiday socks that used two colors (white and a variegated) of yarn from Crystal Palace with a custom pattern called 'To Every Season' by Ann Manchester.

I was excited by the challenge of working with two yarns throughout most of the pattern and ending up with a pair of socks that said Faith, Hope, Joy and Love around the top of the sock.

I was excited for about the first thirty rows when I realized that I really hate working with two yarns at the same time, did not like the fuzzy yarn that was provided and realized that this sock was going to be too short and too wide to wear comfortably.

When almost done with the first sock last night a revelation came to me...I did not need to make  a complete pair of socks.  I could make only one, line it and use it as a smallish Christmas stocking to add to the decorations for Sweet Sadie's.

Here are a couple of shots of the has not been blocked yet but it will be before I measure it for a lining.

      So, for the first time in a long time I will be abandoning a sock project before there is a pair.  
One and done... now on to figuring out to use up the left over hats?  baby booties?  lacy scraf?  

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