Thursday, July 8, 2010

Sock Club #3 Again

I finally figured out the Maelstrom Sock pattern by Cookie and my second pair actually fits and looks almost like the picture on the patten.

Here's a crappy picture:

I did learn a few things knitting the second pair that I did not figure out knitting the first pair.  My first pair looked awful because I completely misread the sock chart.  I checked my gauge to figure out how many rows would equal two inches and knit just what I needed.  I finally got the toes small enough in the alloted rows so that they will fit snuggly.

I am learning a lot doing the Twisted Yarns Sock club and I believe I will not use the fancy yarn in the kit for the first pair of socks knit from the distributed pattern.  By using cheaper yarn the first time errors won't bother me as much.  A failed $5.00 investment in trying a pattern is a whole  lot more palitable than a $25.00 investment.

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