Monday, July 12, 2010

Road Trip

Yesterday I woke up feeling a little antsy.  I just knew I had to do something different or go stark raving mad.

Walking the dogs backwards or changing the font on my blog were not going to cut it.

I had a piece of paper on my bed side table with the address of W. C.Mercantile on it and I knew what I had to do... Road Trip!

W. C. Mercantile is yarn shop that donated some marvellous yarns to the World Wide Knit in Public Day last year and I have been curious about them since then.

I put the dogs to bed, stopped for gas and suitable sacks and headed out at about  11:00 AM to the beautiful Texas Hill Country.

It was a pleasant drive and Navasota has some beautiful homes.  Main Street is a little run down but you can see that the community is trying to offset the Wal-Mart shopping mentality that has taken over America.

The yarn store has a small but selective group of yarns and I was able to snag some great sock yarns, one of which I had never seen in other stores.  What sets them apart from other yarn stores is that they have an extensive selection of locally processed wool.  Some is in the raw roving state, ready to spin, while some of it is ready to cast on the needles.  They also have a small selection of pint sized wheels and looms that looked very intriguing.. 

There were two groups of women knitting while I was there.  They represent the whole range of yarn lovers... one group was of friends my age and older while the other was teen girls.  The former group was making teeny tiny baby clothes while the latter one was playing with florescent yarns, crochet hooks and knitting needles.

I hope they get a chance to expand the shop into all the space that they have available to them because they really have a great shop... with most of it closed of from active use.  There is even a second floor.

If you need to get away for the day, Navasota is a good destination.  I warn you, however, that you just may fall in love with it. 

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