Saturday, May 15, 2010

Zig Zag Runner

The Cut Ups met yesterday to work on a project from the book Loose Change by Claudia Plett and Le Ann Weaver.  There are many wonderful quilts in this book that all use basic cuts of fabric.

The one we worked on was based on five inch squares of fabric to create a 30" x 12" table runner.
I have not completed mine yet (still don't know what to do about the binding) and I cheated by not adding borders but this is how it came out:
I used some of my hoarded hand dyed fabrics from Just Imagination and I like the way that the fabric seems to give additional movement to the the piece.

The Cut Ups try to do projects that are small enough to get a good chunk of the work done within a three hour period.  This project fit the bill and, thanks to Janet's prep work which included re-writing the instructions to make them more efficient, this project fit the bill perfectly.

 What took the most time was squaring up the little 4" component blocks.  When you do that 40 times, its gets a bit boring.  The thought if ding that for a full size quiltmake me cringe.

There was a complex border in the pattern, made up of flying geese rectangles, that I eliminated because I didn't want to take all that time for a basic project like this.

I hope your weekend is going well and that my local friends did not get drowned out in the thunderstorms last night.  I don't know how much rain we got but the forecast currently calls for the possibility of showers every day for the next week so I expect we will all be soggy by next weekend.

How I love the smell of soggy dog!

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