Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Surprsing Quilt Block

A dear friend in the cold north asked four of her friends to send her a yard of fabric that they loved.  I sent her a yard of a wonderful lime green fabric with silver chinese writing on it.  I have yards of it so thought it was a good choice in case she needed more it for her secret project.

I though she would try to mke a quilt for herself that incorporated our contributons.


She used each of our fabrics in a separate 24" block paper pieced blocks from one of Carol Doak's star patterns from books like this or or this .

Here's how mine turned out:

My color correction does not do justice to the vibrant colors of the background fabric I supplied.  Notice how the corner fabrics were fussy cut so that the lettering is oriented to the corners.

I don't know how to use this block... as the center for a quilt, for a pillow, for ???? but I do know that whatever I do with it, it will be impossible to match the skill and ability shown in the workmanship of this block.

Thanks Martha!

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