Friday, April 16, 2010

Stray Sock Creatures

One the joys of collecting others discards for the quilt guild Fish Pond next year is that I get a chance to see all the books and magazines that others don't need anymore.  One of the books I have  been intrigued by is Stray Sock Sewing: Making One of a Kind Creatures from Socks.

Daniel (just Daniel), the author, explains in great detail how to use socks, new or used, to create some really cute little critters.  While his socks are perfect for each application, I found some good substitutes at Target the other day for $0.25 a pair.

Here are the two I made while clearing out the Tivo this evening:

The one on the left is a long eared imaginary animal while the other is sort of a cat.

I think I need to work the faces before I consider giving similar toys to any small children.

Until then I think Alex will enjoy them when I stop admiring my handwork....some time tomorrow.

I hope your week has gone well and that you have lots of fun stuff planned for your weekend.  My weekend is over-planned right now and I am trying to figure out what to delete.

Wish me luck!

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