Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cross Stitch Scarf

I bought some super fluffy acrylic yarn at Twisted Yarns just because I liked it.  I had no idea what I was going to use it for but while cruising the One Skein Wonders books (101 Designer One-Skein Wonders: A world of possibilities inspired by just one skein and One-Skein Wonders) I found a wonderful scarf of multi colored yarn knitted using something called a cross stitch.

Here's how it came out:

Although it was my original intention to make this for myself it just might make it into the Orphan Foundation's Red Scarf Project for later this year.

Yes, I know it is not red but they have begun to accept scarves of any color and I think some guy would realy enjoy the colors of this one.

BTW - all that fringe happened because I became bored with the pattern after seven feet of it so I used the balance of the yarn to make fringe.  There is no more yarn left and lots and lots of fringe!

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