Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sock Club #1... Again

A little while ago I wrote about the first pair of socks I knitted for the Twisted Yarns Sock Club. If you didn't catch it before you can see it here.

At that time I could not show you what they looked like. Now I have a new camera so...TA DA here they are...

Definitely a stretch for my knitting skills and I learned a lot about how to keep track of where you are in a stitch pattern that is sixteen rows long.

One thing I don't like about them is that my pale skin showing through the dark red lace pattern is relatively unattractive.

To test this theory I made another pair, same pattern just different yarn.

This time I chose a sock weight yarn by Cascade in a creamy white.

Here's how this second pair turned out:

Very successful I think... even with a few messed up stitches.

The good part about doing the same complex pattern a second time is that I got a chance to use everything I had learned from the first pair in the second pair. I even felt confident enough to do the fancy heel that I had eliminated in the first go round.
Now I am well prepared for the reveal of the next entry in this year long journey of sock knitting madness.
I wonder what it will be this time?

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