Sunday, March 28, 2010

At Sweet Sadie's

When I visit a restaurant I not only enjoy the food and drink but I also note the ambiance of the place. Things like comfortable seating, adequate table space and interesting things to view or read all add to my dining pleasure.

For some reason I have been designated as the official seasonal decorator for Sweet Sadie's and I am very much enjoying the work. About once a quarter I will be switching out seasonal deocrations for others more appropriate to the new season.
At Christmas I got to set up and decorate a tree even though I did not have one at home. I set out little poinsettias on most of the tables, hung wreathes in the windows and strung all of my Christmas lights around the walls and windows. I also had a christmas quilt laid along one of the half walls separating the eating area from the corridor to the rest rooms and ordering area.
For Valentines Day I added some red themed wreathes and a purple heart quilt I made many years ago.
At this time I have a double Irish Chain quilt displayed as well as little glass flower pots with Daffodils in them.
More permanent additions have been pillows added to the long benches, a magazine bin with current magazines from the Kingwood library's patron donations and several copies of old family photos.

The pictures above are of my great great grand aunt Amelia (I think) and a family gathering in Antigua of my grandfather's family. I hope to add more photos as time goes on of other family members and maybe those of some of our patrons' families.

My biggest surprise in dong this is how many male patrons love the quilts while the women seem to appreciate the magazines and flowers.

Maybe this is a new occupation... or pre-occupation?

Have a good week!

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