Sunday, August 2, 2009

Really Big Bag

Many years ago I came across a pattern company called Design and Planning Concepts. They had this wonderful pattern called the Kandu Coat that has no pattern, just instructions for a fabric foundation of strips of fabric that are sized to each customer's body. I have worn the jacket I made out of it so much over the years that the crease for the cuffs on the sleeves has completely worn through. I have to retire that jacket but it still hangs in my closet because I just can't bear to get rid of it.

But that jacket is the topic for another post.

This post is all about their Skrappysak tote bag. I first saw this used by someone at a sewing gathering and I thought it was a great shape and size. Most recently I saw a kit put together for this at Time Treasured Quilts. The kit was made up of cute sewing themed fabrics and, being on sale, it seemed like a slam dunk to me to try it out.

First of all you must realise that there are two sizes in the pattern - Big and Really Big. The fabrics in the Kit were enough for the Really Big size so that is what I made. When this company says Really Big they mean it.

It is about 30" tall, 22" across and the circular base has a 10" circumference. It's big enough for a weekend trip or at least The Girls with plenty of space left over for other items.

Here's how mine came out:

When I found this kit in my pile of clutter I realized that I had already cut out the squares for the patchwork so there was very little left to do to complete this project. I should have added an extra sturdy bottom but I can always do that later. I made two changes to the insturctions. First of all I did not add the interior pocket and secondly I did the final construction based on the Singlet grocery bags I make out of five fat quarters. That old post is here.

For now it will be a 'go to class' or a 'go to bee' bag as I can't imagine having to need more than this bag can hold for a day long sewing event.

What I can't figure out is why I thought I would love the colors in this bag. There is so much bubble gum pink in it that I almost feel ill looking at it.

BTW - I did try another of their patterns called the Phlipphlap Bag but this one was not as successful. I also made the larger bag thinking that it would be a neat thing to use as a laptop case. I worked very hard to get the right fabrics and used all of the suggested notions but it still came out almost impossible to use. Why I thought a bag with a large wooden dowel in it would be comfortable to use I'll never know. Also the instructions didn't seem to match the picture but I could have read them wrong.

Anyway, for a bag the size of Alaska, try the Skrappysak... just forget the pink cutesy fabrics.

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