Saturday, August 1, 2009

A Ho Hum Day

I woke one morning this past week and realized that I had absolutely nothing on my calendar for that day. NOT that I didn't have anything I needed to do. I needed to get some laundry done and put away, some dishes washed and put away, and a huge pile of clutter sorted but I wasn't expected to do any of these things by anyone else. In addition, Alex and the Girls were away on a sleep over with Paul because the back yard fence was being replaced. In my book I had an absolutely free day on my hands.

I decided that instead of doing all the things that needed to be done I would make an effort to work through some of my UnFinished Objects (UFOs). I'm proud to say that the pile is almost manageable after a day of working on it.

Here's what happened on my free day:
  • finished up and labeled two wheel chair bags
  • put binding and labels on four charity quilts
  • made six identical blocks for a lottery block exchange
  • made a block for another lottery block exchange
  • made another block for another lottery block exchange
  • made a block for a quilt for a friend's grandchild
  • made a denim pencil case as a sample for a charity project
  • wrote the instructions for the pencil case
  • finished quilting a biggish quilt for a chairty quilting group
  • put mitered borders on a finished quilt top
  • pieced a backing for the quilt top above
  • labeled 11 other wheelchair bags
  • made the sock #1 bag
  • finished knitting another pair of socks

I think I need to do this more often... ignore the household tasks that can just eat up my days and work on many small UFOs. I certainly went to bed with a smug look on my face knowing that the UFO pile would be quite a bit smaller the next day even though those necessary tasks were still there. The necessary tasks were completed over the next couple of days and I still had a smug look on my face from reducing the UFO pile.

I hope your weekend is going well and that your UFO pile has not grown. Now back to that pile of clutter... this could take a while!

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