Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Every once in a while I get this urge to clean out a closet, empty a drawer, or weed part of the garden. I don't see these urges as necessary cleaning chores but as things I really WANT to do, not things I NEED to do.

I know, I know... I did take my temperature just to be sure that I wasn't running a fever or something.

My accomplishments have been few but have been dramatic.. at least to my way of thinking.

In one case I took down and washed all the washable curtains in the house and hung them back up. The last part is remarkable as it took me two weeks to get the bedroom curtains back up the last time I did them.

In another case, I cleared out and reloaded the coat closet. In the process I found that I had accumulated seven softsided brief cases over my career (like this) and innumerable so-called over-night bags that I have never used for overnight trips. I know someone, somewhere will enjoy most of these.

I also cleared off the top shelf of the laundry room that had become a dumping spot for things that I was sure I would need someday like.... 15 various sized small zipper cases from toiletries purchases and giveaways and some very badly made make-up sized bags. Most of these will also go the way of excess briefcases and overnight bags.

One thing I did find that surprised me was a couple of bags I made years ago in a mini-workshop with the Dallas/Forth Worth American Sewing Guild. At the workshop we made generic tote bags with Hex Frames from Ghee's. The cool part about this project was that the frames could be removed from the tote bag and used with other tote bags. I was intrigued by this project back then and made three different covers. Today they are not something I would use but I have ideas for other covers.

I wonder what else my nesting urge will uncover before this weird urge wears off?

I hope your week is going well and that you don't get caught up in nesting! It can lead to lots of dust in the air and new projects for the UFO pile!

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