Friday, August 21, 2009

Donut Pudding

When my friends and I get together to quilt, knit or sew we tend to bring a lot of snacks to keep up our energy. It seems that at least one of us brings fresh donuts each time. Last Saturday I picked up a dozen basic glazed yeast donuts and came home with almost all of them. After a couple of days of snacking on them I put them in the microwave, supposedly, to keep them from getting stale, and forgot all about them until today.

They were very ,very stale... hard as hockey pucks....useful as components of Improvised Explosive Devices...suitable for long lasting chew toys. I think you get the point.

I love glazed donuts so instead of tossing them out or providing them to the dogs as a snack food I decided to dig out my Joy of Cooking and see what I could do with them.

After discovering that Irma Rombauer did not produce a recipe that used stale donuts as a key recipe ingredient I took her bread pudding recipe, made a couple of changes and came up with the following.


5 - 6 stale glazed yeast donuts

3 cups warm milk

3 beaten eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg

sugar - to taste ( I used about 1/4 cup)

ground cinnamon (optional to spinkle on top)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

Take your stale donuts and slice them up into nice chunks. Place in an oven proof dish.

Pour warm milk over the donuts and let the donuts soak it all up.( I still had a little milk left over but that didn't seem to matter)

Beat the eggs with the vanilla, nutmeg and sugar. Stir the egg mixture into the soaked donuts.

Sprinkle cinnamon on top.

Place pudding dish in another dish with about one inch of hot water in it.

Place both in the oven and cook about 45 minutes or until almost firm. (mine could have done with another five minutes but I was getting very hungry.)
Cool in the fridge and serve.

I like mine with a little warm maple syrup. YUM!


Variations - Substitue various juices or liquors for some of the milk, add nuts, raisins or dired fruit, serve with jam, fresh cream or other things Irma suggests.

Lesson learned - when you are down to the last sixteenth of an inch of your nutmeg nut, start on another one rather than start grinding off your finger tips. If you put the last little bit of your nut through the food disposer in your sink your house will smell like nutmeg for a least an hour.

Have a great weekend!

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