Friday, March 6, 2009

A Special Find

I think I am becoming a bag lady.

Not that I wander the streets with all my belongings in a variety of shopping bags but I get a lot of bags every week filled with goodies for various projects. For instance, in the last 24 hours I received about a dozen bags of stuff for the knitting club kids, the arts and crafts kids, for making cancer caps and for the quilt guild garage sale. In addition, I got a ton of magazines and books for the quilt guild and several bundles of knitting needles for the knitting club kids. Most of what I collect are used items in good condition, some are new and some are meant to be tossed out. I go through it all to see where the items belong and I have no regrets about moving things from one group of donations to another ... like knitting yarn to the knitting club kids rather than the quilt club or sparkly yarn for the arts and crafts kids rather than the knitting club kids.

It all balances out in the end .

Today, while sorting through some of this loot I came across a great find..... two blocks from an old signature quilt were in one of the bags of fabric. Check these out:

They are not in good condition ... faded, dirty and very well worn. They appear to be from the same quilt and are completely hand pieced and quilted. I'm not sure what to do with them but I hope that they end up with someone who will appreciate their uniqueness and use them to advance our knowedge of the makers and their work. I wonder if either are still alive?

I'm not sure where to start but I think I have some hours of research ahead of me before deciding what to do with these blocks. Wish me luck!

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