Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cuddling Up

When I am working on the computer or sewing, the dogs sometimes are so tired that they will leave me alone for minutes at a time. When they are that tired they pile into the comfy rocking chair where they can monitor me and still get some shut-eye. They are pretty cute all piled in together, sometimes under a quilt, ignoring my sightest movement. Unfortunately, that doesn't last very long.

As an example, today I tried to get a picture of them all snuggled up together, instead I got this...
They don't look real happy and snuggly to me... but trust me, it does happen at least once or twice a week.

I hope your week is going well. After a few days of near freezing weather in the mornings, it has started to heat up again and I am now really looking forward to the Sewng Guild's garage sale this Friday and Saturday. Dollar-a-Yard fabric... here I come!

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