Monday, March 2, 2009

Log Cabin Hidden Stars

The Strip Club met on Saturday to try to make a new quilt top from Moda' Jelly Rols. Jelly Rolls are an assortment of forty 2 1/2 strips of fabrics usually from a single fabric line. This month we used the book 'Jelly Roll Quilts' as the source for our pattern. The pattern was called Log Cabin Hidden Stars. and was a litle more complex than our last project, the Merry-Go-Round Quilt. The complexity did not come from the construction of the quilt but from the amount of cutting (a lot) and the fact that you needed to divide your fabrics betwen lights and darks when most of the fabric on a Jelly Roll fall smack dab in the middle of the range.

I made an early cutting error so ended up with a much scrappier quilt than the pattern suggested. I also had two identical Jelly Rolls and, instead of using one fabric for the stars and centers, I used a variety of the lightest fabrics for these elements. The leftovers went into the borders and some wil also go into the backing. The Jelly Rolls I used were from Moda called Wildflower Seranade. It is generally not available now but here is another fabric collection that is very similar.

Here is the quilt, a 78" square, un-ironed and waiting for batting, backing, quilting and binding:
Now I have four quilts waiting for some finishing magic. If only there were some little fairies out there who would come in the middle of the night to finish these up for me. Until that day comes I better get off my butt and fire up those quilting genes and get these finished.

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