Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kristal Wick

I took a class from Kristal Wick at the Quilt Festival and thoroughly enjoyed myself. She is known for her silk tube beads and has recently published a book on her techniques called 'Fabulous Fabric Beads'.

This was great class as we spent most of our time making the fabric for the beads. We painted, crinkled, stenciled and about a hundred other things to our silk and cotton fabrics. The last hour or so of class was spent actually making the beads. It some ways this was play time for me as I have already done most of the techniques but it was extremely educational to spend time with someone who really knew her stuff. I bought the book after lunch and spent most of the afternoon trying to make beads rather than practise techniques I am well familiar with. I won't show you the beads I made because, quite frankly, I can't find them in all the stuff I brought home from Festival. I wonder if Alex has found them yet?

If you get chance to take a class with Kristal, I highly recommend you try her out for a relaxing class that you can leave with real live beads to use in your work.

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