Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Charity Sewing

Recently the American Sewing Guild chose their national charity sewing project to be completed by the conference in 2009. The project for 2009 is pillowcases for Ronald McDonald House. I thought this was a great idea as they are easy to make and can use up a lot of stash fabrics. I figured that I would wait until next year before starting on them BUT Stitchin' Heaven had a sale of their pillowcase kits (buy 6 get six free) so I had to get them and, being an over-achiever on some things, I made up all twelve of them a couple of weeks ago. Here's what they look like:

For each pillowcase in the picture... the larger fabric is actually the cuff, the strip is an accent and the smaller piece that you see is actually the body of the pillowcase. They were made with 3/4 of a yard for the body, 1/3 of a yard for the cuff and and 1/8 of a yard for the accent. They are a little larger than the required size but I did not want to cut them down and generate scraps. If you would like to join the adventure here are a couple of sites with directions on how to make them. In addition, most quilt shops have kits with their version of the instructions for people who don't want to disturb their stash.

I must confess that I used none of these instructions to make mine as I sort of made it up as I went along and each pillowcase is a little different. The variations I tried included serging the seams, french seaming the seams, tubing the cuff and sewing the seams last and first. Make up your own technique as it seems that nothing is wrong as long as you get a good product. In addition, wouldn't these be a nice add-on for any quilts you are making for this year's round of holidays? Its a good way to use up any leftovers for making the quilt and especially great if the person receiving the quilt likes things that match.

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