Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sew Crafty Houston
I must have spent over an hour there just chatting with Sarah. The place is so energizing and, even though it was realtively quiet, you could feel the creativity oozing out of the walls. I got a chance to see the projects for the Kids Can Sew classes she will be hosting this year. These kids will be able to make whole outfits by the time they are finished with the classes. Even the very first project (a notions bag and a supplies bag) teaches usable skills, besides just sewing straight lines.
I also got a chace to see a Gocco unit and what it can do. I have been intrigued by these mini silk screen machines and will probably take a class there to learn more about it. The size of the screens is about 7" x 5" so you are limited in size but I think the toughest part will be deciding what to print rather than worrying about size restrictions.
I followed up with lunch at Niko Niko's before heading home for grocery shopping and a nap. What a great day to spend a Saturday - sharing a love of sewing, eating fun food and napping through a horror movie. I wonder if I will get the incentive to get that trim painted before Gustav raises his ugly head? You never know :-)
In the Mail

Friday, August 29, 2008
Trouble Over

Have a great weekend!!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Trouble Update

Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Into Trouble
A few days ago Paul mentioned that he would like to put hard surface flooring onto the stairs and floor of the second floor of his home. He asked if we could go floor browsing together. Yesterday we went to my local big hardware store and quickly became overwhelmed with all the selections. He had decided to do the stairs first as they would be the hardest and therefore a good project to do first. BTW he has installed Pergo type floors before but nothing as complex as stairs.
We found out that the special lip pieces would take 5 - 10 business days to come in on a special order. That bummed him out as he only had part of this week available for this project. I suggested that he take samples home so he and his girlfriend could decide on the right type of wood/or fake grain. Both of us still wanted to do something so..... I am now having a fake wood floor put into my bedroom today and probably part of tomorrow as well.
So far I have moved out everything I can move on my own and started to set up the chop saw to cut the planks. I say started because, for some unknown reason, I can't get the blade switched out. When he gets here, not only will we need to finish moving furniture, get the blade installed correctly but we also need to rip out the old carpet. Did I say today and tomorrow? Probably the rest of the week.
Now, if I could just get him to get out of bed and get here we could get started.
Trouble? you don't know the half of it.
Monday, August 25, 2008
South Korea Adventure
And if you are really into knowing more about him, he has a Flicker account where he shows photographs of his adventures. You can access it here. I must admit that it was a shock to me to see how grey his beard has gotten over the years. ... or maybe it was from the trip.
Big sigh of relief from this quarter.
Olympic Recap
- There are some sports that realy, really weird like handball (soccer for those who can't use their feet), steeplechase (looked like the running of the serfs), and trampoline (a mother's worst nightmare).
- Bob Costas has a nightmare making voice - don't ask!
- Bela Karoly needs to take some drugs and English lessons.
- Why was the gold medal basketball game shown when I wasn't watching?
- The Brits will have a hard act to follow when it comes to quality facilities.
- The Chinese should be ashamed about denying all political protests, using shills to fill the stands and using computerized generated, pre-recorded visuals during the opening ceremonies.
- Limited commercial interruptions did cut down on my tidying up time.
All in all, I did enjoy them a lot. I also found that I consumed a lot of popcorn. I found a simple microwave popcorn post somewhere and have been using it ever since. The steps are:
- put a quarter cup of plain popcorn in a lunch size brown paper bag
- put a small fold in the top
- staple closed with one staple
- microwave for 2 minutes and 15 seconds
- take out of the microwave
- open (its hot so be careful)
- pour into a bowl
- add favorite add-ons
- Enjoy!
Looks good, doesn't it? My favorite add-ons are a bit of unsalted butter and a sprinkle of salt. The chopsticks are because I hate greasy fingers. Try it during all of the political convention coverage that's coming up over the next two weeks.
Bag Ladies Swap

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Every Mother Will Relate
PS. Don't install a Japanese language pack just for this post. However, if you do read Japanese, I bet the rest of her writing is just as pointed.
PPS. Ribbon designed by 'How About Orange' and sold locally by jcaroline creatives - of colorful Dachshunds... just wondering how many yards to order... or rather how much I can store... its so cute!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My younger brother, formerly the ugliest baby in the world, who has been unemployed for over a year, is moving to South Korea to teach English in a school there. Mr. Controller is steppng onto a series of planes and ending up in the land of Kim Chee, phonetic writing and strict social rules. My anxiety comes from the fact that, although he has an artisitic soul, he likes order in his world and I hope he will be able to successively navigate such a different culture.
On the other hand, I envy him more than I could tell you. My son is from South Korea and, as he came here when he was eight years old, he told us many things about his life there - all of which I would like to experiene. South Korea has some of the best cotton mills in the world and I know I could spend my complete net worth on it without satisfying my fabric lust. Except for Kim Chee (a spicey, pickeled cabbage that has been called 'the world's most effective birth control'), I love the food, the celadon pottery is magnificant and the traditonal dress in beautiful on everyone.
So, Bon Voyage Dave. We will sort ourselves out without you. Although you will be on the other side of the world know that my best thoughts go with you and remember... I want lots and lots and lots of pictures!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Operation Care Package - Update
These are very easy to do expecially with soft curves. I serged up the sides and around the top edge to cover the raw edges. I then sewed the deams, flipped it all right side out and turned down the top edge and sewed it down with decorative stitches on my sewing machine. I thought about adding gewgaws and doodads but, as weight may be issure, I restrained myself.
There seems to be a lot of interest locally in making these so I am going to see if the local community room is available for some Saturday this September for a community sew-in. With the amount of Christmas fabric everyone seems to have in their stashes, we should be able to get quite a few done in one day. The incomparable Ms. S. came up with the sew-in idea. She is such a ball of fire when anyone mentions that there is sewing to be done and given away. She wears me out with her energy and her stash is awesome.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Finny & Donk's Sewing Adeventure Aug/Sept

Sunday, August 17, 2008
Quilting ... sort of

Operation Care Package
The requirements are really, really simple - fourteen inches tall with a seven inch opening in the top. No cuffs, no lining, nothing fancy, no specific themes needed. The website for the group is here but I did not see any information there on this particular project. For some ideas on the types of stockings possible you can check out pictures (with informative comments by Barb, the owner of the site.) here from last year's effort. There is one requirement - the group needs the stockings by October 30th.
I know I have some weird winter themed fabrics hanging out here as well as some orphan quilt blocks that could be put to good use for this project. I even have some home dec fabrics that would make good stockings. And what about the old juenile embroideries I have sitting around? The possibilities are endless.
If you would like to participate I have Brab's e-mail address that I can send on if you would let me know in a comment.
Now I am off to make myself a pattern while watching some really, really long track race.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Silk Ties

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Meet Kimora

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fashion Show
During the commercials during the Olympics, watch this show, and be prepared to be dazzled.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Olympics Fever
So please excuse my lack of activity for the next 14 days or so. But after the Lightwieght Quads Men's Rowing final, I must see the Archery finals but what about the recap of the Dressage finals from this morning. Decisions, decisions.
Enjoy the games!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Debbie Bowles
Today we did not do Yikes! but worked with Debbie on her curved cutting and piecing techniques. The pattern we used is called 'Bent Pieces'. She is an excellent teacher and spent most of the day working with individuals. She only taught, in the traditional manner, twice during the day. Once to outline the whole process of cutting and piecing such wiggly pieces and another, later in the day, to review how to add the borders and finish up. Her hints and fabric ideas were invaluable.
There are two basic size choices - one is a table runner size while the other is a lap quilt, though, I bet, any size is possible with this pattern. The projects use just about every scrap of fabric and, based on you fabric choices, can be very dramatic or very suble. I went for a subtle table runner and actually finished the top in class. I used the Moda pattern called Posh which is a lovely brown, pink, cream, yellow and light blue fabric line. Here's how it came out:
To me it looks like a Chinese garden.. but that might be the influence of watching many hours of the Olympics' opening veremonies this evening.
Someone asked during class if my home was decorated with these colors. Since I've never met a color I didn't like I had to disappoint her by confessing that I really didn't know how I would use it. It might fit in my bedroom, but maybe not. Heck, it might end up in someone's christmas package later this year... you never know!
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
What a Disappointment
Since we still need rain I hope we get several more of this type of storm before hurricane season is over. No hurricanes, just a lot of rain and wind for a day or so.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Waiting for Edouard
While waiting for Edouard I decided to work on a problem I have been having when I go grocery shopping. Its been in the nineties with high humidity here for a quite a while. This means, that even though I tend to grocery shop very early in the day, by the time I get home my cloth shopping bags are soaked with condensation. The ones I have made take forever to dry out and the cloth bags from the store seem to take longer. Throwing them in the dryer seems to defeat the purpose of avoiding disposable bags. Sometimes the milk or other things will leak so I need to wash them out. This is the kind of maintenance I hate so this evening I constructed a new bag just for refrigerated and/or frozen groceries.
I took one of the large platicized rice bags and made a shopping bag with handles, a boxed bottom and a roll-over top with a velcro closure. I anticipate that most of my cold stuff will fit in one bag and, by sealing the top, they should stay cold/frozen until I get home. Even if things leak or have lots of condensation I can just wipe the bag out and put it back into the rotation immeadiately. The added bonus is that this is a unique bag decorated by the Three Ladies brand... oh, so elegant!
(Front, Back, Interior)

BTW - If you would like one, I have about a dozen bags left to work with and would be glad to send you a copy of my cold food bag. Just let me know.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
UFOs #11 and # 12
Saturday, August 2, 2008
In the Mail
For your bathroom library or reference shelf, this book would be a wonderul addition.
Now if I could just remember the advice about meeting a mountain lion or landing a plane without carrying the book with me all the time!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Avoidence Projects