I re-did the dogs' leashes. The originals were getting pretty ratty so I cut off the hardware and re-did the fabric portion out of cotton belting. I also added some trims and some refective tape to each leash. These are probably not as durable as the originals (cotton versus nylon webbing) but I like them. I don't think the dogs care even though they went nuts everytime I picked up the originals to cut off the hardware or measure the length. BTW the leashes are hung from the door stop thingy on the front door - an ideal place to store them between walks.

I made a new everyday wristlet. I got a cute wristlet through the bag ladies swap and have been using it every day. Its pretty bold so I decided that I needed one that is a little less noticeable. In the mail from Craft Leftovers came the makings for my new wristlet. The pattern is called the Temari Ball bag. It came with two fabrics, pre-cut, and a zipper. The zipper was black so I swapped it out for a hot pink that I had in my stash. I also added the riboon decoration. Two other changes I made were to add lavender between the lining and the exterior and some fusible batting to the wrong side of the exterior. Its a pretty good size for me and I have already started to use it for runs to the grocery store and other errand running.

I went to the movies. A real avoidence activity! A friend and I got togeher the other day and we were both felling a little of sorts so we to see Hancock at our local multiplex. Hancock was very enjoyable and it will definitely by in my DVD collection when it is released. The best part about it is that the previews did not spoil the fun. If you get a chance, go see Hancock.. even if you don't like science fiction, I think you will enjoy it. There is one really yucky part, definitely not for kids, but the rest of the movie is a lot of fun.
I picked up a UFO. That's right, UFO number eleven is an hour or so from being finished. It's a beaded scissors' sheath and fob. I don't need either of these but they are elegant. I will post these in an official post later on. I just figured out that if I had just bit the bullet and finished quilting the quilt instead of doing this scissors project, I would be done with it.
I took the girls to the vet. This one is true avoidence! They were both due for their annual exam and vaccinations. I originally stopped by with them to get all of them weighed and ended up wasting about two hours between weighing and exams. I know I needed to get this done but it was quilt or put them through some anxiety. Anxiety won out and they are safe for another year. I'm pretty sure the girls don't blame me as they competed to lay on me all evening.
I have nothing else I can do today in all conscience to avoid the quilting. I have the whole weekend ahead of me with no scheduled events so I should be able to get the quilting and binding done in time to get it packaged for the mail on Monday. Wish me luck!
And to my Canadian friends in Ontario - Happy Civic Holiday on Monday! I don't know when it became Civic Holiday but that's as good a name as any for a freeby in mid-summer.
And, to my big brother - Happy 59th Birthday! And to him and his wife - Happy 38th Anniversary!
Definitely a big weekend coming up. Have a good one!
How creative. You make your own leashes. Cool.
My condolences on the vet visit (re: costs). We went on Tuesday to the tune of $360 although part of it was their Sentinel and part was medication. But, it seems like no one is getting off cheap on a vet visit these days.
Sometimes I have found it helpful to leave projects alone for awhile if they are creating so much internal strife. After all, is that what the creative process is for? I know it can be challenging, but if one is in that wonderful "flow" of productive creativity, it makes one wonder if procrastinating certain projects is ultimately worth it. I have come to find true "disasters" that were not worth the heartache of salvaging. I have sometimes felt so much better moving on and tossing them away.
These are just my random thoughts.
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