Friday, July 4, 2008

A Glorious Fourth

It truly is a Glorious fourth around here - It rained for most of the day and the puppies and I spent most of the day watching movies, napping and planning a run to the grocery store. My allergies have been killing me so a lazy day at home was a relief. I did have a lot of plans to be productive but being draped in puppies fells better.

I hope your Foruth was dry and ended with wonderful fireworks.

I promise I will get back to showing you what I've been doing soon... actually, once I stop sneezing and coughing!


  1. Oh dear, poor you. Feel better soon.
    have to leave this comment from anonymous. Blogger is not letting me in as myself !!!!

  2. Oh I hope you feel better soon!
    I love all your crafts you are doing and the sewing.

    I just want and to stop in and say hi and tell you about our Dogs on Thursday Bloggerversary Contest.
