I am away on a trip and have discovered that most of us have various rituals that we go through before we head out on a long trip. Some people close all the curtains and blinds so that the bad guys can't see into their homes. Others set up timers for the lights or take in the potted plants or cancel the newspapers or put the mail on hold at the post office or put the animals in a kennel on other house keeping tasks. Many of us do most of these things but I have also discovered that some of us have more off-beat rituals. Here are several I have heard about during this trip.
One person gives her kids an updated lisiting of where all all her assets are located ... just in case something does wrong. This seems like a good idea except that the location of my assets hasn't changed in many, many months. Maybe when I become a big investor in the stock market I will need to update that listing from years ago, until then Paul will have to wing it.
Another disposes of all old magazines and newspapers. This is to reduce the amount of stuff she will need to go through when she gets home as it all be new to the house. I should try this as I hate the amount of paper clutter I have in the house.
Another puts clean sheets on the bed so she will come home to a clean bed. I myself, have tried to do this for many years as I do love fresh clean sheets at night. I also clean all the dishes and laundry so I do not have to face these tasks when I get home.
I have a habit that I have had since I moved to Texas. The water here is so very full of mineral content that standing water left in the toilets will grow mold at the drop of a hat. I try to clean all the toilets before I leave home for any length of time and hope that no mold will grow in them while I am gone. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Do you do anything special before you leave home for a while?
I try to have my house clean and laundry done so as not to have to do it when I get home.