Saturday, May 10, 2008


For the past 72 hours Alex been completely obsessed with a ratty old squeaky tennis ball. They are cheap to buy ($1.99 for three at Petco) and I have been tempted to get more as they are getting pretty gross. That may have to wait a while as the continuous squeaking has been driving me a little nuts.

His current trick is that he appears to be teaching himself to play fetch. He gets the ball up on the couch and gets it all soaked, by licking and chewing it for about five minutes. Then he drops it in front of his paws and strikes a thoughtful pose. He just sits there looking at me, trying to catch my eye, as though to say "Okay, I'm ready to play now." . My job is to pick up the most disgusting tennis ball and toss it around the house or up the stairs or out the back door so he can run like crazy to get it. He then brings it back to the couch to get it all slobbery again so he can play fetch with me.

I had described this activity to someone else earlier in the day as Alex teaching himself to play fetch like I have been trying to teach him.

Suddenly a lightning bolt struck and a revelation occurred.

He's not teaching himself to play fetch my way, he is teaching me to play fetch his way!

Such a cleaver puppy! Such a crazy dog lady!

I hope your weekend is going well. I'm off to try my hand at guerilla dress making - that is dress making using a chunk of cloth, minimal cutting and a lot of sewing, to create a dress you would actually wear. Wish me luck!

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