Thursday, May 8, 2008

Four Seasons Quilt Swap - Spring

Today I finally finished my entry for the Spring portion of the Four Seasons Quilt Swap. Can you hear the big sigh of relief? No matter what I do to have these quilts finished before the deadline, something always seems to steer me off course. This time I am blaming Alex's wounds and the visit to my Dad.

You may remember that this haiku was the inspitation for this quilt:

Speechless before
these budding green spring leaves
in blazing sunlight.


In this quilt, in the Chinese Coins Desigh, I used every color of green fabric I could find that matched a green in my garden when spring began. Remember, that Spring starts in January around here so I've been working on this, off and on, for four months. From the florescent green of the new leaves on the Overcup Oak in my back yard, to the purpley green leaves of weird pink flowered clover I have, this quilt incorporates them all. The picture below does not show off the colors very well as I took this picture in the setting sun light of this 90 drgree day. Sorry about that but I will try to gt a better picture before I mail it off. I hope my partner enjoys this quilt as I will have a hard time sending it off tomorrow.

Other things that I think are noteworthy is that there are 10 shades of green fabric plus some pink for that weird clover. I added the embroidery (machine done) after trying out what seemed like a zillion, but was probably only half a dozen, different designs. I quilted the quilt vertically in the ditch and embroidered the branch, both, with varigated threads from Superior threads. I, also, now have the largest collection of green threads in the known universe but ended up only using a few yards of one of them.

Maybe I am now ready for that St. Patricks Day themed thread painting exercise I have been meaning to do.

1 comment:

  1. Your talent for design never ceases to amaze me. You do such lovely work.
    I like more than anything seeing the pictures of Alex and and comrades. Glad he has fully recovered from his ordeal.
