Thursday, March 20, 2008


Today I had the great pleasure of sharing my Muslin Transformation workshop with the Woodlands based ASG neighborhood group. I originally wrote about this early in my blogging career and you can see that post here. It is always fun to share, with a group of creative women, technques I have tried. I did not have my camera but believe me, they made some wonderful samples. There were two problems we encountered. One is that we really didn't have enough time to try everything I brought with me. The other is that the stuff I hauled with me that now has to be squeezed back into my stash. Here's what the pile looked like earlier on the stairs to my sewing space:
There is one item in that pile that I did not bring with me. The cardboard box at the left is full of kits and fabric for making cancer caps. I picked these up from the amazing Miss Margory and hope to get the kits done this weekend. The fabirc needs to be a two way stretch and some of the knits from the local ASG warehouse, are only a one way stretch. This one way fabric will be donated, I hope, to others who can use it. There are so many groups that need fabric - local high schools with sewing programs, community colleges with fashion design classes, craft guilds with charity sewing projects, senior centers and after-school places with craft programs, elementary schools with art programs and local churches with missions in poorer countries.

In that spirt, my embarassingly large stash is going on a crash diet. By the end of this weekend I will have reduced its size by at least one large green garbage bag of yardage. Although I am short of breath after writing that sentence, I know it is the right thing to do. Specifically I will be donating it all to another ASG member who goes to Mexico with her church to work with women to sew things for their families and for resale. Will you join me? Who will get your excess stash?

1 comment:

  1. It looks like your house exploded... much like my living room looks every night!
