Friday, March 21, 2008

In the Mail

One of the places on the web that I like to hang out at is the Bag Ladies Swap Flickr group. Every month or so they have a swap where a different style of bag is swapped amongst other willing participants. I have never swapped with them before because most of the work looked so professional. The project for March was a wristlet which didn't seem too complicated so I decided to take the plunge. This is what I received today:
I love the use of the red vinyl and she really went over the top with the extras. It seems to be a timely item as just this week I decided I needed a new place to store coupons and such for my shopping journeys. This bag seems like a perfect solution. Thanks to Piece of Me (aka Sandi) for such a terrific swap.

The wirstlet I made for my partner seems to be MIA. She should have received it on Wednesday but I have not heard from her yet. Maybe she thinks it sucks and doesn't know how to tell me? I emailed her earlier but do not have a reply yet. Here's hoping its on the slow boat rather than lost as I do not have a picture of it and was rather proud of how it al came out.

With my fingers crossed....

Have a great weekend with all of its fertility festivals!

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