Friday, January 11, 2008

Ready to Sew...Almost

As I said earlier this week, I had to clear out a whole stack of sewing stuff so that my new furnace and A/C could be installed. While putting things back together I have made a couple of changes in my sewing space. Here's a new picture:
I removed the Tensor lamp and an end table that was becoming a major clutter zone. I added a small set of drawers, a quilt themed lamp, a bunch of floor pillows and a comfy rocking chair, fortunately, all from my furniture stash. The drawers now hold my beading stuff, tons of trims and ribbons and material on how to make things fit. The pillows are primarily for the dogs who always want to be close to me when I am sewing. The comfy chair is for me when I knit as the arms are just the right height. I think the dogs will use the chair as well when I get rid of the ratty sofa they seem intent on making into a battle zone when people walk by on the street below the window that is over the sofa.

I am now contemplating painting the walls with something bright (maybe orange for creativity) and replacing the carpet with a solid surface... both of which will have to wait until I recover from the cost of the HVAC project. I could start sewing more UFOs tonight but there are too many bits and pieces that still need to find a home. I am going to try to work on this decluttering and reorganizing for another couple of days before things return to normal around here. After all , the sewing machine dust covered is still buried on the guest room bed.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Looks like a great space to work in... I think bright colors on the walls would be just the thing!

  2. Yes! Very nice1 Brenda
