Saturday, December 29, 2007

UFO's #2,3,4 & 5

Yesteday I got a chance to work on a few more UFO's as part of my year end resolution. First I came across an embroidery I had done many years ago that I had made into a wall hanging. Three or four years ago I ripped off the original borders and backing as they were just too ugly to retain. Since then I have moved it from pile to pile to drawer trying to avoid redoing it. I went to my favorite quilt store (Sunflower Quilts in Houston) and picked out new fabric for borders, binding and backing. I think the fabric matches are perfect though the binding is about the worst I have ever done. Next year I will use it as a decoration for the holidays... until then I will try to carefully store it so it doesn't get all crinkled. Here is how it all turned out -

Next I came across a fabric book panel that I had started to work on a couple of months ago. I have been in love with Beatrix Potter's work for many years so when I saw this fabric I just had to have it. I had started off using regular batting as a filler and finished it up with fusible batting for the interior pages. I think the fusible was a better choice and made for smoother pages. I have no idea who will get this but I am sure someone will have a grandchild some day who would like a Beatrix Potter fabric book to chew on.

Several months ago I asked Paul's girlfriend if she had access to empty 50 pound rice bags. Her father passed on quite a few to me and I have been playing with them. I actually completed one tote and have been using it for Alex's obedience training school materials.

Yes, that is Alex's nose as he checks out the beautiful Three Ladies on the front panel.

There were two other bags I had started but not completed so in keeping with the theme of the day I finished them last night. One was an experiment in lining this type of bag. I am most impressed that even though I measured and cut very carefully the lining went in sideways. Rather than shading from darker to lighter, from the top to the bottom of the bag, it now shades sideways. Even with the cockeyed lining, I think I will use this bag for hauling other doggie stuff when Alex and the girls travel between homes.

My third rice bag experiment was a special order from Paul's girlfriend. She asked for a gym bag to be made out of the rice bags. Instead of the Three Ladies bags I used a wonderful orange dragon bag as the basis for this experiment. I had cut out the pieces at least a month ago and last night I put it together. The straps may be too long (which is an easy fix) but in all other aspects the bag should work well for her.
The girls seem quite intrigued by this bag!
I will keep working away with the rice bags because they are such a weird material. The woven plastic bags are very durable, completely waterproof and have lovely graphics. Even as simple tote bags these should be fun to use... heck I might be able to sell them.
Next up ... quilts needing quilting.

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