Sunday, December 30, 2007


No picture this time but maybe later. Now is later so here it is:

I solved a problem I had and finished a UFO all at the same time. I attended the introductory classes for the embroidery machine I bought in August and ended up with a bunch of scraps of fabric illustrating various techniques and with my notes written on them. I had these in a disorganized pile and did not know how to organize them. While I was finishing off a huge dust cover for the machine I realized that the best way to organize these samples was to sew them directly to the dust cover. Now my dust cover, which was pretty scrappy anyway, has my class samples attached. May not be pretty but I can now find them when I need to refer to them. One more UFO down.

Quilts needing quilting may take more time than I figured. I seem to have picked up an intestinal bug so I have not spent any time today sewing. Maybe next year :-)

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