Monday, April 22, 2013

Dog Crate Cover

While browsing Facebook today someone posted a beautiful dog crate cover.  Immediately there was an outcry about how expensive they were.  Someone wished they had instructions to make one.  I offered to put instructions together....

  How to Make a Basic Dog Crate Cover

This cover will have a roll-up door covering and a side viewing roll-up window cover.  For the bed inside, I would just cover a pre-purchased bed in your chosen fabric.  A basic envelope style pillow/bed cover can be seen here -

Suggested fabrics –
Exterior - I believe that the best fabric is a cotton, light to medium weight upholstery fabric.
Lining - some contrasting cotton fabric in the same or lighter weight fabric.

Note:  Cotton upholstery fabrics seem to wash very well and hold a press for a long time.

Measurements –

Top – A Length ___________, B Width  ___________.

Side - A Length __________ (as above) , C Height ___________.


1. For the top - Cut two A + 1” by B + 1”– One of lining fabric, plus one of the exterior fabric. (I am suggesting a two layer top to make the ‘roof’ a little more light proof.)

2. For the front door side - Cut two – B + 1” by C +1 ” – One of lining fabric, plus one of the exterior.
-          Cut four – 6” by C + 3” – straps – lining fabric

3. For the plain side – Cut one – A + 1” by C + 3” – exterior fabric

4. For the back – Cut one – B + 1” by C + 3” – exterior fabric

5. For the side with the window - Cut 2 – A/3 + 3” by C + 3” – exterior fabric
-          Cut  2– A/3 +2” by C + 3”  - one of exterior and one of lining
-          Cut four – 6” by C + 3” – straps – lining fabric
6. Label all the pieces.

Sewing – assumes ½” seam allowances and 2” hems

  1. Layer the top pieces together wrong sides together.  And a layer of batting or interfacing if you wish.  Press, pin and set aside.
  2. Take the plain side exterior fabric and join into one long strip with the rear fabric and one of the window side fabrics.  Join using ½ “seam allowances.  Serge the seam allowances to tidy them up or use some other durable seam finish – fold over and top stitch, cover with bias binding etc.
  3. Fold the bottom up 1” inch, press, then fold up 2” and press again.  Sew the hem up
  4. Fold the sides in ¼” twice.  Press and sew down these side seams.
  5. Pin the raw, unfinished edge to the prepared top carefully matching the joining seams to the top corners.  Join together using ½’seam allowances.  Leave the seam finishing until the end.
  6. Prepare the front roll-up door by completing the straps first.  Right sides together lengthwise sew the long edge together.  Turn right side out and press with the seam to the middle of one side.  Fold one short end ¼” twice and sew down.  Do this twice.
  7. For the door, layer the exterior fabric right sides together with the lining fabric and sew three sides together – two sides and the bottom using a ½”seam allowance.  Turn right side out and press well.
  8. Pin the two of the straps to the top, each ¼ of B in from the side, then the raw edge of the door pocket then the final two straps even with the first two straps.  Sew together using a ½”inch seam allowance.  Finish off the seam later.
  9. Right now you have the door flap, the back and the right end of the window side attached to the top.   An appropriate adult beverage seems appropriate now.
  10.  For the left end of the window side, fold up the bottom ½” and press.  Fold up again by 2”, press.  Sew the hem up.  Fold in the sides ¼”twice, press and sew down.
  11. Pin the piece from step 10 to the top and attach to the top using a ½”seam allowance.
  12. The sides for the window side of the cage cover are about 2” wider than one third the total length of the side so that the window side should not leak light.
  13. Prepare the side window the same as the front door – steps 6, 7 and 8.
  14. Finish the seam allowances at the top by serging or binding with bias tape or a French seam or a fake flat felled seam….your choice.

Place over your cage.  Roll up the windows and see if your pup likes their new home.

Note – This is all very basic and can be changed in a zillion different ways.  Add trims around the top, add an overlap on the front door side, add fusible appliques to the outside, add a lining to all the bits without it…and on and on and on.

I wish I could show you one all made up but I don't have a wire crate right now but I do have some great fabric!

BTW - share often but please give credit for the basic design where possible.

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