Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Oops! Shawl

This tale began on my birthday when the Jaunty Janetta gave me a hand-spun, hand-dyed lace weight skein of yarn.  It came from the FJCruiser shop on Etsy, and although there does not appear to be any lace weight yarn in the shop currently, the other yarns are gorgeous, reasonably priced, in a variety of weights and the colors are exquisite.

Such a wonderful yarn deserves a wonderful bit of knitting and I found the perfect pattern on Ravelry called the Monica Shawl.  Here is the link and I really want you to skip over for a moment to get a gander at this great shawl.

Notice the large size, the variety of stitches and that lovely spiky outer edge.  Gorgeous, right?

Although the pattern is written for sock weight yarn, I decided to use my lovely lace weight present.  I knew it would be a little smaller than the original but it seemed like a challenge I could successfully meet.

Here is mine in the colorway Flipper:

Beautiful effort with lots of pattern changes BUT what happened to the nice spiky outer edge?  It seems that I finished off the outer edge with a too tight bind off thus the spikes could not be stretched out to make the lovely spikes.


I wear this a lot now that the days are cooled but I am still disappointed with my effort.  Maybe I should try it again?

Yeah, in another life!

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