Friday, November 25, 2011

Blue Jean Shawl

In my quest for accurately counting stitches while knitting lace I picked a very simple pattern from Tanis Fiber Arts called the 'Prism Shawl' for my next lace adventure.  It is available from Ravelry for free here.  It uses about 600 yards of sock weight yarn , hand dyed from the Araucanuia Yarns' Ranco Solid line and i happened to have a lot of it in aownderful blue to go with my blue jeans.. 

What attracted me to this pattern was its simplicity of construction until you get to the border.  With just stockinette, garter and eyelet rows randomly scattered through out the design this is a pattern I thought that even I could not mess up.

And, surprise, surprise I did not mess up the body too often.  Every once in a while  found I had dropped a stitch or not added a stitch when required but due to the lack of complexity I was able to fix these errors quickly and invisibly.

Then I got to the border.  About two rows into the border I accidentally pulled off about 30 stitches and realized that I would need to unravel a few rows to get back on track.  Off came a couple a couple of rows, on went the stitches back onto the needles..with an extra twenty on one side!

I don;t know how I did it but I ended up with more stitches on a row than I had originally.  Instead of more un-stitching I decided to go with what I had and make it work.

Here is how it came out:

What you don't see is that the center back point of the shawl has a large ruffle..which sits just above my tail bone!

Someone told me it is fashionable to have ruffles this year.

I may have messed up the final border but this is a great pattern for using up odds and ends of sock yarn.  Since I have a few hundred (thousand?) yards of leftover sock yarn, I think I will be using this pattern again for a more eclectic version.

PS - Guess who I found wondering around the house with this shawl in his mouth looking for a place to hide it?   

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