Saturday, June 11, 2011

International Yarn Bombing Day - Kingwood, Texas 06112011

What is Yarn Bombing?  Some would call it an example of civil disobedience.  Others would call it a bit of middle aged silliness.  And still others would call it a way to beautify the world.


I'd call it a bit of all three plus a way of reminding one swiftly aging person (me!) that you need to take your fun where you can find it.

For the past couple of weeks I've written about this project and even put up a yarn bomb that was quickly removed from my neighborhood.

Last night, four of the Friday Knitters gathered at our local Starbucks, where we regularly meet, and yarn bombed the outside of the store.

We had warned them we were coming and the manager and staff were waiting for us to transform their storefront.

Here's what we did:

Silly?  Yes! 

Beautiful?  Maybe.

Life Affirming?  I don't think so!

A good way to end a day of Birthday Eve celebrations?  ABSOLUTELY!

Let me explain the final comment....Today is my birthday and during the day these same ladies managed to feed me homemade apple pie, an ice cream cake and a strawberry pie as well as give me presents (!!!!) and a lot of laughter while hanging up our yarn creations.  You must agree that this was a good way to end a birthday eve day!

Thank you to Susie, Janetta and Lish for actively coming along on this yarn silliness.  An especially big shout out to Ely for coming to see what we were doing and not laughing too hard.

Time to start gathering odd bits of yarn for more convert yarn bombing in the neighborhood.  I think I could make a lot more of those little flowers and hand them in all the trees around here AND I dare anyone to take them down!     


  1. I have a neighbor that likes to place silk flower bushes in her trees......instead, I think your yarn bombs would add more beauty to her landscape and her trees.

  2. Love the 'pillow backs' on the chairs..brilliant!
    Sandra D.
