Friday, June 3, 2011

CPS Fabric Swap

I love getting mail that is not junk or bills.  In this day and age of e-mail, Twitter, Facebook and blogs it is rare to get something in the mail of a personal nature.

Yesterday was the day for me.

Here's the back story - a couple of months ago Cloth, Paper Scissors(CPS) magazine put out a challenge to its readers to make nine, nine inch squares of altered fabric, send them to CPS by a certain date and get back seven different squares from other readers. The two left over from your nine would be divided up with one whole set staying at CPS and the last complete set going to the winner of a people choice type award.

My submission was talked about here.

What I got back is wonderful range of fabrics that almost defy description.  Aren't these wonderful!

Starting at the upper left is a beige piece of burlap with dyed circles, hand embellished with metallic threads and jewelry findings; then an altered photo on muslin with fabric paints and other hand coloring; then a piece of Katasome stenciling; then a wonderful painted piece with hand applied sharpie decorations; then a collage of old ties and finally a metallic quilted piece of fabric colored by deconstructed silk screening and over dye.

I have no idea how I will use most of these pieces but they do inspire me to try different fabric altering techniques.  I make stretch each piece on stretched bars and hang them up on my sewing room walls... or then again I may use them in projects....or trade them for other altered fabrics or?

I hope you will have a wonderful weekend with moderate temperatures and a little rain for your gardens.  I will be sweltering in record braking temperatures hoping for the the drought to break soon.

Time for a rain dance!      

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