Saturday, April 2, 2011

Knitting for Japan

A couple of weeks ago the Knitting in Kingwood group decided to make knitted items to aid int he japan relief effort.

It was a spur of the moment suggestion and today people turned in their efforts.

About FIFTY items were donated including the cutest little pair of baby booties, a lovely periwinkle scarf with three columns of cables and ribbing, a set of fingerless gloves that matched a scarf and a hat, a hand spun wool watch cap and so much more of hand knit love.

What do you think of our take?

We even got stuff have people who are not part of the group but who wanted to contribute.  Now comes the final search of an appropriate delivery method...but that can wait until Monday.  Until then I will examine each piece carefully for future projects then pack it all up to be mailed off.

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