Wednesday, February 16, 2011

And Another TWO Hit the Dust...

This past weekend I got to finish TWO UFOs that had been hanging over my head for way too long.  

One comes from this past August fall when I attended an ASG neighborhood group swap.  Everyone brought stuff that they no longer had a use for and we all got to take as much as we want from what was available.  I wrote about it here.

One of the excellent bits I picked up was the remains of a curtain made from squares of African fabric.  There was a note attached that said it had been purchased at the 1998 Quilt Festival and that it had not been pre-washed.  The usable portion was about 34" wide and 40" long. which is just about the right size for a wheel chair lap quilt.

Saturday the transformation occurred.  

Very simple quilting with a solid black for the backing and binding.  It is a little small for some of the older chairs but it should work well with the more modern chairs.  I even have an unsuspecting victim.. err recipient to use it.

The other is a more recent quilt.  The pattern is from a kit I won, also back in August, that I put together over the past holiday period.  It was also used as a sample for a recent Saturday Strippers gathering.

I realized that a simple little wheel chair lap quilt was not enough of a gift for a recently wheel chair confined husband of a friend.  Although I had planned some fancy quilting I went with a very simple design (stitch in the ditch) and a machine applied binding because I know it will get a lot of washing and simple would be easier to repair, if needed.

Here's how it turned out:
The colors did not photograph well... instead of something that looks red, white and  blue the colors are more rust, cream and black.. I guess this means I need to work on my camera skills!

As it may be a while before I make it over to the nursing home, I will be sticking these in the mail tomorrow and hope that my friend's husband can make good use of both.  If not, I hope that someone else can use them both.  I know that my father loved having a home made quilt on his bed as he loved the texture of the fabrics, seams and quilting and a lap quilt for his wheel chair covered any embarrassing clothing malfunctions.

In any case I hope they both get used which is all a quilt maker wants for their quilts.

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