Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Twinkle Toes Socks

Installment #5 of the 2010 Twisted Yarns Sock Club was the Porifera Socks from the recently published book Twist & Knit.  It is a relatively simple pattern that includes a nice little lacy bit at just above the toes and just below the cuff at the top of the leg.

Kinda cute, yes?

The yarn used is Tosh Sock from Madelinetosh.  It is hand dyed and I chose the Georgia O'Keefe colorway.  Why a blue green sock yarn would equate with Georgis O'Keefe I'm not sure but the yarn was easy to work with and machine washed and dried beautifully.

Three new skills, for me, were included in this pattern: a provisional toe cast-on, a wrap and turn heel and a stretchy bind off that you do with a yarn needle.  The toe went well, the heels...not so well and the bind off was a breeze. 

There is one error in the pattern that made me crazy in the beginning.  I prefer a sock pattern with 60 stitches in it.  The cast on chart showed a 60 stitch cast-on but, as the stitch pattern is based on 8 stitches, 60 stitches would not work.  In this case the author meant me to use the 64 stitch cast-on.  A small and relatively minor error (the 60 listed should have read 80) but one that caused me to rip out about 30 rows and re-start my first sock from the begiining.

I am making another pair of these socks in less expensive yarn and without the lace pattern so I can practice my new skills.  Why do I see myself knitting alot on Thanksgiving Day while watching movies?

OH!  and I call these my Twinkle Toes Socks because the first day I wore them my RA was acting up and my left foot would not stay flat without a lot of pain so I spent most of the day walking on my toes to ease my way.

Have a great Turkey Day!

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