Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mabel Knight Hat

Every year many of us make hats for those suffering from hair loss from chemotherapy treatments.  For the past three years we have only made watch caps from knits using  a pattern from Nancy's Notions.

I have been priviledged to have given away hundreds of these caps in zip lock bags - three to a bag with a decorative pin for those that seem especialy girly.

I was proud to do it but some of the knits we had gave really variable results.  Unfortunately you don't know how bad a knit will be for this project until you actually make the hat and then its too late.  I would still distribute them hoping that someone with a big head would appreciate the ones that came out huge because of a loose weave and that children would get the ones that came out too small because of a lack of stretchiness.

This year things will be different.

We are making three style of hats - one woven, one fleece and one knit.  The knit one will only be made from a single source of fabric and we will be using a new turban style pattern.

The fleece hat will be a watch style cap as well but we are making up the pattern based on one Paul has that has ears.  (I think I  will skip the ears.)

The hat made from woven fabric is a copy of a hat sold in M. D. Anderson's Cancer Center Gift Shop that sells for $24.00(!).

What do you think?

I'm calling it the Mabel Knight hat as the vintage hat form it is on had her name inside of it.  It is a more complex sew than the other hats but a much more stylish result.  Doesn't Mabel look good in it?

And what a great project for Breast Cancer Month!

The directions and pattern are being prettied up from my scrawl by a good friend.  When they are ready I will have them available on-line for every one. 

When the fleece hat pattern is perfected I will make it available as well.

Until then, look around you sewing room for yardage you will never use and think about making some of the simple charity projects that are already available on-line.  Your handiwork could make all the difference to someone in need..

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