Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And Another One Bites The Dust

Several moths ago I finished a quilt top.

Nothing unusual in that except that the pieces making up the top were purchased from a friend reducing her UFO stash.

This kit was from a class that my friend had taken back in the 80's and I purchased it about three years ago.  Most of the pieces had been cut out using plastic templates, outlined in pencil and cut by scissors.  Some of the pieces were actually put together by hand.  The basic star blocks were to be sashed together and the center of each blocks was to have an appliqued heart in its center.

Here's what I came up with:
A little washed out in the sun... sorry!

No appliqued hearts, no sashing and lots of stippling event though my intent had been to work fancy feather quilting in each of the yellow blocks.  Oh right... the yellow blocks were my addition to the overall design.

Here's what it looks like after being washed for the first time:

The whole thing is about 84"  square and took over 1,000 yards of thread to quilt.

In some ways this is cute quilt for a someone who likes bubblegum pink flowers.

In other ways, this quilt stinks - only two of the four mitered corners are square, the original fusibale batting had to be ripped out, and my piecing when combined with the original piecing does not match up perfectly.

Then again ... done is better than not done.

Thanks for stopping by.

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