Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Swap Time

I went to a local neighborhood group meeting of the local American Sewing Guild Chapter for a stash swap.

Imagine fourteen avid sewers clearing out their stashes to swap with other sewers.

It just takes your breath away!

One member brought her Japanese textile 'scraps', another brought another sewer's pattern collection from the 60's and 70's while another brought rolls of silks.

Here are some shots of the loot AFTER it had been reduced by other swappers.

I scored some wonderful lining fabrics, a couple of Japanese prints and a couple of kits to make clutch style bags.

The best thing though was a long curtain made up of many squares of African style fabrics.  I think that will make a great wheelchair quilt for the VA.

Most of th left overs came home with me for the Quilt Guild Garage Sale.  I had a blast going through it one more time before boxing it up for the actual sale.  

It will be hard to keep  my hands off this stuff before I actually put it on sale.

Note to self... I don't need any more fabirc, patterns, buttons, zippers, magazines, books, notions, thread etc. etc. etc..  Repeat as often as necessary.

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