Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wheelchair Bags - Updated

A couple of weeks ago the Once Upon a Time Bee made wheelchair bags for the local V. A. Hospital.  See here for that post. 

It was a good cause but we found a better use for them right in our community.

Two of them went to a friend who uses a wheelchair.  She is a member of the Kingwood Yarn it, Darn it! knitting group that meets at the local library.  She had been using canvas totes that just weren't workng right.  See how one of them looks on her travel chair -

We were happy to see that they fit and were more than happy for her to test drive a couple for us.

The rest of the bags went to a local assissted living/nursing home.  One of our friends at the knitting group has a mother who lives there.  She noted that people spend most of their income on the fees and little left over for extras like a wheelchair bag to hold their books or personal care items.  She took the bags over and apparently almost caused a riot as the ladies and, maybe, some gentlemen, jockied for position to get a bag.

So here's the deal.  I will be taking some that I made th other night with us when we visit the children at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center tomorrow for those who would like one.  Any left over will be funnelled to the local assistedliving/nursing homes in the area.  If we exhaust the need at the local homes, then the balance can go to the V. A. hospital.

The need is not where I thought it would be and I am so glad we can try to meet it.

I wonder if we can exhaust the local need?  With all the fabric people have donated to this project, we'll might make a dent in the need.

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