Sunday, June 13, 2010

Twisted Sisters Swap

Twisted Sisters is a quilting grop sponsored by the Kingwood Area Quilt Guild.  We are 'twisted' because we are always looking at differnt techniques to change our fabric creations. 

We recently held a swap where each member brought in a yard of fabric that they liked in a brown paper bag.

We then chose a bag and went off to create something.  We did not reveal which fabric we had so this was a blind swap.

Last week we revealed our creations and found out who we created for and who created for us.

Although this is a crappy photo I think it reveals the variety of projects created:

From the center bottom and going clockwise we created a precision wall quilt, a little bag, a christmas table runner, a signature quilt, a Twisted Sisters Valentines Days quilt, a calendar hanger, a large batiked bag and ad appliqued quilt.  

I made the signature quilt and, as I had to collect everyone's signature, it was not a surprise that this is what I created.

I received the little tourquise and brown bag.  This bag has a metal snap closure which will make it great as a knitting bag/yarn barn.

This was a fun project even if there was a monetary incentive to complete some project from the fabric.  If you didn't finish your project you had to pay $50.00 to the person whose fabric you had.

No-one paid the money and I think everyone was pleased with the results.

If you are part of any kind of crafty group I think this is a great way to get those creative juices flowing.  Have everyone trade a bag of fabrics, papers, yarns, Legos, fruit or what have you and see what comes out of working with items someone else has chosen for you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alice!! Nice chatting with you last evening at the Etsy gathering in the Heights. Hope we can meet up again sometime!
    ArtL8dy at e14studio
