Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Irritation Solved

At the Twisted Sisters Swap I received back a cute little tote bag with a snap closure.

I intended to use if for toting small knitting projects.

There was a problem though...I really, really, hated the closure.

There was something irritating about the clunky sounding snapping of the closure.

I decided to figure out what made the closure and, by carefullly opening a seam in the casing, discovered these:


The annoying closure was made from a metal tape measure.

Truly a clever technique and instructions for one style of bag are here.  I can see this technique applied to many different types of simple totes and hand bags.

Discovering this meant I was now left with a wimpy topped bag.  I knew I didn't want to put back the measuring tape but I did need a new closure.

I ended up putting a drawstring in the same casing.

Now the bag can be used for my purposes (knitting storage) and I can still show off my friend's excellent sewing.

Now if I can only figure out how to make the lining, which is about two inches shorter that the exterior of the bag, longer, I would be in hog heaven......I wonder if I should open up the interior...shortern the exterior, make a new bottom.....never mind.  If I wanted a whole new bag I should just start from scratch.

Let me know if you try this type of closure and whether you were pleased with the results.

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